About Us

AdSpark Digital Marketing was founded in 2021 in Perth Western Australia. Since then, we have created a team of multitalented Digital Marketers working on various projects inside and outside of Australia. We have 2 Head Office Locations, one in Perth, Western Australia, and our new office in Kathmandu, Nepal.
* Digital Platform * *Creative Ideas *
* Digital Platform * *Creative Ideas *

Meet Our Senior Directors

Client Relations Manager, Digital Marketer and Social Media Manager – Stacey Eades – Location – Brabham, Western Australia.

Stacey Eades
client Relation Manager
adspark marketing CEO
Adspark TEam lead

Senior Digital Marketer, SEO Specialist and Trainer – Raghu Mandal – Location Head Office Kathmandu Nepal,

Raghu Mandal
Digital Marketing Team Lead

We can talk and we can discuss about your business goal. If you are here at this Website first we would like to thank you for being at our website. We would like to listen from you about your business to give best suggestion for growing your business.

Our Team

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